Monday, September 8, 2014

Man Crush Monday: Chris Hemsworth

  This week I am going to try a little bit of a different approach to Man Crush Monday. It's going to be more structured than just me babbling about an actor.

Chris Hemsworth:

Why We Love Him: He really is Thor! He looks the part, acts the part and just is the character. His acting ability is just phenomenal and fun to watch. 

Nerdy Role(s): Thor, The Avengers, Thor: The Dark World, Avengers: Age of Ultron

Nerdy Facts: Was on Australia's Dancing with the Stars in 2004. First movie in America was Star Trek in 2009. 

Upcoming Roles: According to IMDB, these are some movies to watch out for. Some may just be rumors at this point but it's fun to hope! 
  •  Blackhat 
  • Heart of the Sea (I will see this one! Sounds awesome)
  • Vacation
  • The Huntsman 
  • Doc Savage (rumored) 

For more information on the above movies click here! Chris Hemsworth Filmography

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