Monday, September 15, 2014

Man Crush Monday: Sebastian Stan

Sebastian Stan:

Why We Love Him: How could you not love the Winter Soldier character in Captain America 2? Marvel did a fantastic job of turning this mysterious villain into a heart-breaking victim. I cried a couple of times the first time I watched this movie and one was because of Bucky's torture scene. 

Nerdy Roles: Captain America 1 and 2, Once Upon a Time. OUAT has a pretty large Tumblr following so it counts as nerdy. 

Nerdy Facts: Not many nerdy facts but here are some interesting ones. He does all of his own stunts. Went to a famous performing arts summer camp called, Stagedoor Manor.


Upcoming Role(s): Just one movie is up for Sebastian Stan. At least, this is what is listed on IMDB. 

  • The Bronze (2015): Apparently this is about gymnastics and is supposed to come out in July next year. 

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