Let me preface this post by saying I truly do love each Harry Potter book. There are some books that I like better than the others. So here is my ranking of the 7 books. This does not include my thoughts about the movies.
#7: The Order of the Phoenix
I love the beginning of OotP. And by beginning I mean the part where they are at Grimmauld Place. I however despise Umbridge. So much that I had trouble finishing the book recently when I was rereading it (yet again). I also hate certain deaths at the end.
#6: Chamber of Secrets
Was just never my favorite. Wish I had a good reason.
#5: Goblet of Fire
Harry is just so angst ridden in this one its annoying. Its also ridiculously long and drawn out. Love the Quidditch World Cup though and the fact that we see other wizarding schools.
#4: Half Blood Prince
Here is where ranking them gets tough for me. I love all the rest of the books. I choose #4 for again certain deaths that take place. Also since Slughorn slightly bothers me at times.
#3: Prisoner of Azkaban
The first time we as readers meet Lupin and Sirius. Also Harry has a parental figure for once! So much good in one book.
#2: The Deathly Hallows
Is there a lot of death and sadness? Yes-staring from.the beginning. However it is so well done and is a perfect ending for this epic series.
#1 The Sorcerers Stone
The book that started it all and introduced us to the wizarding world. So much great stuff. The book that got us all hooked. Need I say more?
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Friday, November 28, 2014
Recent Nerdy Movie Trailers
A lot of amazing movies are coming which means a lot of equally amazing movie trailers have been released.
I have listed these trailers in order from most recent to oldest.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens:
Jurassic World:
This movie looks absolutely epic! I can't wait to see how the park looks and what the dinosaurs look like. It will be interesting to compare the technology between all of the movies. Chris Pratt looks like he will fit the part just fine and I am very excited for his performance.
Hugh Jackman plays Blackbeard! How much cooler can you get? I have to admit that I am not the biggest fan of the many remakes of Peter Pan. The only thing that will make me see this movie is Hugh Jackman's role. The trailer looks really good so hopefully they will do the story justice.
Strange Magic:
This is an animated movie from the mind of George Lucas. It looks pretty weird but I guess it is in the name so that makes sense.
Into the Woods:
The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies:
I have listed these trailers in order from most recent to oldest.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens:
I have to admit that I was kind of disappointed with this trailer. In the first couple of seconds I thought it was fake. It just seemed a little cheesy. I think that people have very high hopes for this movie so I hope the next trailer is much better.
Jurassic World:
This movie looks absolutely epic! I can't wait to see how the park looks and what the dinosaurs look like. It will be interesting to compare the technology between all of the movies. Chris Pratt looks like he will fit the part just fine and I am very excited for his performance.
Hugh Jackman plays Blackbeard! How much cooler can you get? I have to admit that I am not the biggest fan of the many remakes of Peter Pan. The only thing that will make me see this movie is Hugh Jackman's role. The trailer looks really good so hopefully they will do the story justice.
Strange Magic:
This is an animated movie from the mind of George Lucas. It looks pretty weird but I guess it is in the name so that makes sense.
I don't really like Disney's new trend of re-doing classic movies. All of the movies seem great but I really want new material. That being said, Cinderella looks really great and magical.
Into the Woods:
I was a part of this musical in high school so it has a special significance to me. This is one of my favorite musicals. The songs are really great and the actors chosen are incredible. I am especially excited for Johnny Depp's portrayal of the wolf.
The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies:
This movie is going to be full of action and intensity and sadness. Sadness because of the events going on and sadness because it is the last one. I know that Peter Jackson will do this movie justice.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Etsy Weekly Find #9
Hello again wonderful readers. Welcome to another Wednesdsay Weekly Etsy Find. This week I have soemting for all of you Star Wars fans out there. I've never been a super crazy Star Wars Fan. I like the films, just not obsesseed. My favorite characters were always R2D2, C3PO, and Yoda.
This week I have an item for the female fans of R2D2. Is it soemthing I will ever be able to afford to buy? Probably not. It is still fricken adorable though. Cannot believe I am saying that-I usually don't do skirts.
This week I have an item for the female fans of R2D2. Is it soemthing I will ever be able to afford to buy? Probably not. It is still fricken adorable though. Cannot believe I am saying that-I usually don't do skirts.
This is my exception though. It is adorable. You can find this item at Rooby Lane. While you are there you can also check out some of the other amazing items they have such as scarfs, ties, and pillows. It is not all Star Wars either. There is some Sherlock, Lord of the Rings, and Game of Thrones to name a few. All look super cute.
That is all for now. Now it is time for me to go and explore Rooby Lane some more and add more stuff to my favorites.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Man Crush Monday: Dominic Monaghan

Why We Love Him: Dominic Monaghan is a nerd in his own way. He a an animal show called Wild Things With Dominic Monaghan. He is so passionate about looking for and studying those animals. It is really cool to watch him be so involved in the show. I loved him in LOST, even though I still haven't finished watching the show. Of course, I loved him as Merry in The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

- Molly Moon: The Incredible Hypnotist
- Deep Burial
- The Hundred Code (TV Series)
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Favorite Batman Villians
I am totally a Marvel fan. I have never cared too much for DC comics or movies. The one exception being Batman. This is probably because my dad is a fan of Batman but I am not sure. I also grew up watching all the movies staring with Tim Burton's version in the 80's. Some of the villains are awesome too, my favorite being Harley Quinn. Here's my list of favorite Batman villains including Harley.
Harley Quinn
I have always been a fan of hers and I have no real reason why. She's just so awesome and crazy. Perhaps I like her since she is a psychologist? I am still hoping for her to show up in Gotham.
The Joker
I never really appreciated the Joker until The Dark Knight and Heath Ledgers portrayal. He is Batman's biggest villain, so one has to like him for that. The guy is pretty much crazy and willing to do anything.
I honestly never knew who the Scarecrow was until Batman Begins. Again, he is like a psychologist so I like that.
Poison Ivy
Another one I have always been drawn too. I seem to like the female villains-Girl Power. Poison Ivy is also interesting with her plants and all. I think the first time I saw her was in Batman Forever. Not the greatest film but still introduced me to this great character.
Lady Shiva
For those not aware, Lady Shiva is an assassin and a fighter. She is pretty much a bad ass. She is also sometimes an ally of Batman
Harley Quinn
I have always been a fan of hers and I have no real reason why. She's just so awesome and crazy. Perhaps I like her since she is a psychologist? I am still hoping for her to show up in Gotham.
The Joker
I never really appreciated the Joker until The Dark Knight and Heath Ledgers portrayal. He is Batman's biggest villain, so one has to like him for that. The guy is pretty much crazy and willing to do anything.
I honestly never knew who the Scarecrow was until Batman Begins. Again, he is like a psychologist so I like that.
Poison Ivy
Another one I have always been drawn too. I seem to like the female villains-Girl Power. Poison Ivy is also interesting with her plants and all. I think the first time I saw her was in Batman Forever. Not the greatest film but still introduced me to this great character.
Lady Shiva
For those not aware, Lady Shiva is an assassin and a fighter. She is pretty much a bad ass. She is also sometimes an ally of Batman
Friday, November 21, 2014
Mutant of the Week: Onyxx
This week I have a much lesser known mutant again. Actually, I had never heard of him until I hit random page on the X-Men info page. I wasn't sure who to feature this week and decided to let destiny decide. Hence; Onyxx.
Name: Sidney Green
First Appearance: X-Men Vol. 2 #171
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength and resistance to physical energy due to his craggy granite body.
Other Attributes: his granite body. He also has a second set of eyes.
Onyxx was born Sidney Green and was orphaned at a young age and grew up in an orphanage and foster homes. He was often bullied as a child. When his mutation manifested he went to Xaviers school and was put on Gambits team.
He was critically injured by William Stryker. Sadly there is not much more info on Onyxx since he was killed by Wither during an attack.
To find out all of the information you can check out the full page on Onyxx here.
Name: Sidney Green
First Appearance: X-Men Vol. 2 #171
Other Attributes: his granite body. He also has a second set of eyes.
Onyxx was born Sidney Green and was orphaned at a young age and grew up in an orphanage and foster homes. He was often bullied as a child. When his mutation manifested he went to Xaviers school and was put on Gambits team.
He was critically injured by William Stryker. Sadly there is not much more info on Onyxx since he was killed by Wither during an attack.
To find out all of the information you can check out the full page on Onyxx here.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Weekly Etsy Find #8
I'm realizing now that a lot of my Etsy finds are Harry Potter themed. This is not intentional, it is all just stuff I have favorited while perusing Etsy. I promise other stuff will come. This week however you are stuck with more Harry Potter.
This week is this adorkable sign I found recently. I want it so bad, I just have no where to put it. It says "House Elves Don't Work Here". I think it would be cute in a kitchen or living room, especially in a house with kids. Hermione would be proud.
This week is this adorkable sign I found recently. I want it so bad, I just have no where to put it. It says "House Elves Don't Work Here". I think it would be cute in a kitchen or living room, especially in a house with kids. Hermione would be proud.
You can find other cute signs at Bugaboo Bear Designs. Uunfortunately Etsy says this particular item has already been sold. But, it also says that they will make customizable signs. Perhaps there is hope for me to get it yet. I usually won't include stuff not actually for sale, but this was too great not to share and I had wanted to share it sooner but didn't.
That is all for this week. Until next time.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
**NEW** Hot Topic Sherlock Items
I went to Hot Topic a couple of weeks ago and they had a brand new display of Sherlock items! Finally!
Below are some of the t-shirts available in the store. I did have to order a size on-line to be shipped to my house so at least there is that option.
All shirts are between $20.50 - $24.50. There are women's and men's styles too.
There are also some keychains, wallets, stickers and more. Here are some of the accessories available.
Key Chain: $6.50
Wallet: $18.50
Phone Case: $14.50
I am very happy that Hot Topic stores now carry Sherlock items.It was one of the few fandoms that they were missing! Go and check out all of the stuff before it's all gone!
Monday, November 17, 2014
Man Crush Monday: Matthew Gray Gubler
Matthew Gray Gubler:

Upcoming Role(s):
- Hot Air
- Band of Robbers
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Weekly Etsy Find #7
First off, let me begin by apologizing for missing last week. Usually I am a few weeks ahead for my weekly features. This time I wasn't. Since I missed a week I have not one but two Etsy items for you. Both are Sherlock themed!
First up there is this pretty sweet shirt that I think is adorable. I've been told its the wrong color, I still like it though.

You can find it right here. The shop called Consulting Geeks also has a bunch of other Sherlock items as well. If your a fan of the show you should check it out.
The second item this week is a phone case. Unfortunately I do not support IPhone or own one so if is of no use to me. I still really like it though. It is simple and you do not have to be a fan of Sherlock to understand. Even someone who has just read the original stories by A.C. Doyle will get it as well. Find this item along with other phone cases at FanCase

Monday, November 10, 2014
Man Crush Monday: Ben Whishaw
Ben Whishaw-

Why We Love Him: Ben Whishaw is sort of a nerdy actor. I have not seen many things ofhis but what I have seen, he is brilliant. Literally and figuratively, his acting skills are amazing and he plays intelligent characters. He has played a king and an scientist/inventor and pulls off both brilliantly. I also think that he is absolutely adorable. ;-)
Nerdy Roles- The Tempest, The Hollow Crown (King Richard), Skyfall.

Upcoming Role(s)-
- In the Heart of the Sea (with Chris Hemsworth)
- Paddington
- Suffragette
- The Lobster
- London Spy (TV mini-series)
- Bond 24
Friday, November 7, 2014
Coolest James Bond Gadgets and Weapons 1987-Present
Phillips Keychain-

Seen in: The Living Daylights. Functions include:
- capsule of stun gas
- explosive charge
- a lock pick able to pick 90% of all locks
Revolving Sofa-

Seen in: The Living Daylights. Able to "swallow" up anyone sitting in it.
Exploding Toothpaste-

Seen in: License to Kill.
Ballpoint Pen (Parker Jotter)-

Seen in: Goldeneye. Contains a class four grenade.
Wheel Chair/Leg Cast Missile-

Seen in: Goldeneye. Inside the cast there is a hidden missile.
Ericsson Phone-

Seen in: Tomorrow Never Dies. Contains quite a few different things:
- stun gun
- finger print scanner/analyzer
- antennae lock pick
- remote control to James Bond's BMW

Seen in: The World is Not Enough. There were two pairs used in the movie. One could detonate an explosive and the other enabled X-Ray vision.
Ski Jacket-

Seen in: The World is Not Enough. Bond's jacket concealed an escape pod.

Seen in: The World is Not Enough. Concealed a flamethrower and a machine gun. However, this only ever demonstrated in Q's lab.
Aston Martin Vanquish-

Seen in: Die Another Day. This car has a lot of different accessories:
- camouflage technology
- target-seeking shotguns
- torpedoes
- traction spikes
- passenger seat ejector
- thermal imaging
- laser cutting tool
Aston Martin DB5-

Seen in: Casino Royale. The items in the car ended up saving Bond's life.The glove department was filled with the following items:
- high tech first aid kit
- antidotes to different poisons
- defibrillator
Radio Transmitter-

Seen in: Skyfall. Transmits Bonds location with a push of a button. This is the last high-tech gadget, so far. In the movie Q says that they are no longer doing things like "exploding pens".

Seen in: Skyfall. Transmits Bonds location with a push of a button. This is the last high-tech gadget, so far. In the movie Q says that they are no longer doing things like "exploding pens".
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