Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Trailer!

The new Hobbit trailer is here!!!

I about died, it was just so good. I love how they put Pippin's song in it. It fits so well even though it's from the original trilogy. That song is just so haunting and sad that it fits so well with the images in the trailer. 

I just finished rereading the book, so everything is fresh in my mind for the movie. It's going to be extremely intense and sad and I really hope that Peter Jackson does it justice. I have faith that he will do an amazing job though. 

Take a look at the epic trailer below!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Man Crush Monday: Benedict Cumberbatch

To me, Benedict Cumberbatch is one of those actors that is not your typical hot actor. In certain photos he looks really sexy and others not as much. The one thing that can not be denied, are his abilities as an actor.

He is also pretty nerdy in his career choices which is quite awesome. My favorite of course, is Sherlock. It is one of my favorite shows. The acting is so good from everyone involved and the show is just so full of detail. Benedict Cumberbatch plays an amazing Sherlock Holmes, he's just so convincing. 

He also plays Khan in the new Star Trek movie and Smaug in the new Hobbit movies, both of which already have huge fandoms. He plays each part incredibly well and always chooses extremely interesting and different roles. 

Now if only he wasn't so bust, then we could have Sherlock season 4 sooner! 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My Favorite Marvel Villains

Villains have been my favorite characters since I was little. I think my first villain was Scar from the Lion King, because I loved (and still love) his song, "Be Prepared". I just really like the dangerous qualities about them. The fact that I am nothing like that persona is intriguing as well. Here are some of my favorites from the Marvel Universe!


No villain post can be complete without my all-time favorite villain. He's probably my all-time favorite Marvel character. During Thor I was still in my, "Oh my god it's Thor, he's so hot" stage. That changed when I watched The Avengers. The character of Loki is just so intense and Tom Hiddleston plays him perfectly. I went back and watched Thor after that and began to psychoanalyze Loki and he has a lot of pain that you don't really notice the first time around. You begin to understand why he did the things that he did in The Avengers. Then going into Thor: The Dark World, you see him try and achieve redemption for his actions but fail. The little surprise twist at the end leaves me intrigued for the next movie though.


I have to admit that I was not a fan of the reboot of Spiderman. I hated the first movie because of how the character of Peter Parker was written. I saw the second movie and my opinion didn't change to much about Peter Parker. I really was fascinated by the villains though. Jamie Fox was a little unconvincing as the nerdy and disturbed Max Dillon. However, when he turned into Electro it was an amazing transformation. His powers were just so awesome and every scene that he was in I was amazed by. He is just a really cool character and I really wish that somehow he could be in another movie.

Green Goblin/Harry Osborn~

I really like James Franco, he is a really strange individual but a well accomplished actor. I really liked his role in the original Spiderman movies. The updated version was really well done as well. Dane DeHann is someone who I had never heard of before this movie. I like James Franco more as an actor but the character was way better in this new movie. He just looked the part, transforming from human to goblin right on the screen. He also seems more evil in the new interpretation. The biggest difference between the two was the story/plot lines. In the original Harry has always been Peter's best friend. In this new movie, Peter says that Harry is his best friend but he's been gone his whole life and just kind of shows up. There was a little bit of a disconnect between them, like they had only just met. I can't wait fo the next appearance of The Green Goblin though.

Sebastian Shaw~

Sebastian Shaw, from X-Men First Class, was a very mysterious villain. I guess you could kind of say that he was the start of the feud between Xavier and Magneto. For being the man that caused Magneto so much pain, I didn't expect him to adapt to his beliefs and views about mutants. I for one, kind of agree with Magneto and Shaw. Shaw's powers were unlike anything that we had seen in the previous movies. The ability to absorb all energy and basically become a human bomb, was quite interesting. I kind of wish that he was able to stick around longer in the franchise. However, a coin through the brain can not be survived; even in the Marvel world.

Dr. Doom~

Dr. Doom is probably the best thing about the first Fantastic 4 movie and that's saying something because the movie wasn't that great. I haven't seen The Silver Surfer so my opinion is only based on the first movie. Victor was a jerk from the beginning of the movie, so everyone knew he was going to be the villain. He was perfect for it. Then he turned into Dr. Doom and became even more of a jerk, but a slightly more cool jerk. After reading up on him a little bit after the movie, he has a very intriguing back story. Even though I have heard that the second movie is awful, I want to see how the character of Dr. Doom progresses.

The Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes~

I am now a huge fan of Bucky's after watching The Winter Soldier. In the first movie, I was too focused on Captain America and didn't really pay attention to his best friend. For me, Bucky is only half a villain. He is forced to become what we see in this movie. The scenes where his memory is wiped and he turns into pretty much a robot, was just heart-breaking. You could tell that he was now starting to question his purpose and what he has become. He just looks so sad and broken that I just want to hug him. He makes an awesome but I think that he would make an even better friend to Captain America.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Man Crush Monday: Tom Felton

Tom Felton was my favorite as soon as I saw him in the first Harry Potter movie. I have always had a thing for the bad guys. I think Tom's character progressive a lot throughout the movies and books, maybe even the most.

He just really looks the part, which always helps when bringing a book to the screen. Tom Felton hasn't really done much that I've been interested in. The only other thing I saw of his was Rise of the Planet of the Apes. He played pretty much the same Malfoy-type character in that movie. He does have a lot of projects in the works though. Here's hoping we see some more of him in the future!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

My Favorite Harry Potter Characters

   Well, pretty much every post so far has had to do with Marvel. Let's change that up a little.

    I've been in the Harry Potter fandom since I was 11, 14 years ago! I waited at midnight for books and movies. I've read all of the books multiple times and the movies too. Every time I read or watch something about Harry Potter, I discover something new. They characters meant a lot to me when I was a kid. I identified with them and was immersed into their world. This series got me through a lot, especially in junior high.

    I'm going to list some of my favorite characters and why. Some of these became my favorites after I saw them in the movies. Some of them started with my love for the books.

Harry Potter~

Harry was always my favorite, even before the movies. His story wasn't anything like my own life and I think that is what made him intriguing. Listening to Harry go through the first book was exactly how I felt as the reader. We were both experiencing the events and the details of the books for the first time. From going to Gringotts, to getting sorted by the Sorting Hat. Then, when Harry became the hero that everyone looked up to, I looked up to him too. The kid who didn't know what anything was around him, adapted and became the character that we know today.

Draco Malfoy~

Draco wasn't really my favorite in the books, that pretty much changed in the movie. I remember reading about him in the book for the first time and thinking that he was a jerk. As his story got deeper and we met the rest of his family, I began to understand why he was the way he was. Instead of thinking the Malfoy was just this spoiled jerk, I began to fee a little bad for him. Especially later on in the series where you knew that Malfoy was a bad kid because of his background. I think he redeemed himself in the end.

Neville Longbottom~

I always thought that Neville was sort of an under rated character. In the beginning he was just this scared, nerdy kid. Kind of how a lot of people feel that age, which made him really relate able. He was the example of how every kid feels on their first day of school. The scared/nervous kid who always got picked on. He made a name for himself later on, by helping Harry during the Triwizard tournament or fighting Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic. His shining moment was when he killed Nagini, one of the Horcruxes. It showed that that once scared little kid could grow up to help save the world.

Luna Lovegood~

Luna was another lonely, nerdy character of the books. I felt that she wasn't showcased as much as she could have been. I always found her very quirky and and so different from everyone else. She didn't seem to care that people made fun of her. She stuck to her beliefs for the entire series and she never wavered. She knew who she was and didn't change for anyone. She was one to be admired for her quiet heroism. She is a true testament to the statement, "be yourself".

Monday, July 14, 2014

Man Crush Monday: Hugh Jackman

X-Men was what started it all for me. It was the first Marvel movie that I had ever seen, the first comic book thing that i ever got in to. Therefor, Hugh Jackman became my favorite from the movie. I really liked the Wolverine character. My favorite thing about him is his sarcasm and wit. He tells it like it is and isn't afraid to call people out on their bullshit. 

I think my favorite thing about Hugh Jackman is his passion for his roles. I follow him on Instagram and it is filled with pictures of his various appearances for his different roles. It really shows just how much he loves what he does.  He's next slated to play Blackbeard in the new movie Pan. I'm pretty excited about this because Blackbeard is my favorite pirate. Let's see how good Hugh Jackman's interpretation of him is. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Quidditch World Cup

In case you missed it, the Quidditch World Cup took place this weekend in the Harry Potter Universe.  The cup saw Brazil and Bulgaria fighting for the top prize. It sound alike it was a good match according to the report by Ginny Potter (Weasley) with some additional commentary by Rita Skeeter.
You can check out the entire commentary on Pottermore if you know your login information.  Otherwise, I will post it down below to the best of my abilities.  
J.K. Rowling seems to be busy posting these goodies on Pottermore.  I personally prefer this over the article published earlier last week.  It kind of made me feel like I was there.
My favorite parts are probably Rita's commentary.  Yes, she is obnoxious and O do not like her.  It does however make for some interesting commentary for us readers and is full of some interesting information such as:
-Luna's wedding attire of rainbows, spangles and a tiara of unicorn horns.
-Percy Wesley is aging and is Head of the Dept. Or Magical Transportation.
-Young Albums cheers against the rest of the family
Rob still holds a grudge for Victor Krum it appears.

And finally Bulgaria beats Brazil! Day to go Bulgaria. Congrats.

I am having trouble adding the commentary.  I will try it again later when I am no longer at work.  I will post it in a separate post.  Sorry for the delay.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Favorite Game of Thrones Characters

A while ago I finally caught up with Game of Thrones.  I originally watched season 1 when it began but then we got rid of our HBO subscription. It was a sad day.  Therefore, I have been missing out lately.  That is until I found out the library had the first three seasons.  I was ecstatic and for the past month my mother and I have been watching GoT.  We are currently waiting for season 3 to be available. The last I looked I am the 6th person in line for the hold on it.  I think we will be waiting a while yet.
This all got me thinking what a good post Game of Thrones would make.  If you have not seen the show yet I would recommend checking it out if you have a way to watch somehow.  The writing and acting is terrific.  I have decided to list my favorite characters from the first 2 seasons.  Once I get to season 3 those views could change though.

Tyrion Lannister: He is probably my favorite.  Sure he wants power, but so does everyone else in the show.  I think he has at least some morals and he is brutally honest and intelligent.  I cannot forget his great wit and the fact that he is okay with slapping that little brat Joffrey.

Arya Stark: Most of the Starks get on my nerves. Arya is one of the exceptions.  She is brave, smart, and a total tomboy which I love.  She has so much spunk.  Props to the young actress for pulling of this character at a young age.

Jon Snow: First off Kit Harrington is gorgeous.  I also really like that Jon again has morals and seems to be a generally good guy.  He has some baggage as well with being a bastard who does not know his mother and his dads wife being totally ride to him.  I enjoyed seeing the relationship between him and Arya as well, or at least the little bit we did see.

Lord Peter Baelish (Littlefinger): Sure he cannot be trusted and hungry for power. However, the man is smart and I find him very entertaining.

Daenerys Tarfaryen: The mother ofntbe dragons has always been one of my favorites.  She had a rough childhood growing up with her jerk brother.  On top of that she was practically forced to marry Drogo who was probably pretty scary. Although she did grow to love him. I like the dragons thing. In addition, I enjoy seeing her relationship with Sir Jorah.

That is it for my list.  There are more characters I like but I'll save them for another day.  There's also a lot I do not like.  Who are your favorite and not favorites? Let me know.
Another note I tried to read the books as well.  Although they were good they were hard to get through.  In addition, the library only let me keep it for two weeks so j had not time finish with working full time and whatnot.  Maybe I will have to put those on hold at my local library.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A Real Iron Man Suit?

Is it possible that an Iron Man suit or something like it could exist in the near future?  That's what the US military is hoping and they have enlist the help of Hollywood to create it.
The U.S. has already spent millions of dollars to create a super suit which they have called the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS).  They have several companies working on the project and have now hired Legacy Effects-the people who created the suit in the Iron Man movies as well as other designs for blockbuster films to help them out.  With more money and time it is possible we may see a super suit some time in the future.
One of the biggest problems the military faces when creating the suit is how to power it.  Iron Man fans know that Stark's suit is powered by the Arc reactor.  That does not exist in our world unfortunately.  Therefore, the U.S. needs to find an alternate power source to operate such a massive suit.  
Another problem is the sheer weight of a suit. All of that material and metal will probably be very heavy.  Those working on the project say it could weigh as much as 400 pounds! No human can hold or operate that much weight.  This is another issue they are working to solve.  
The military has previously said they hope to get TALOS up and rolling by 2018.  With the problems listed above and actually designing the suit I am personally skeptical of this.  Not to mention, I am sure someone will complain about the suit for some reason.  I will admit it is an interesting thing to work on. What are your thoughts?  Is the super suit a good or bad idea? Not to mention is it even really possible?  

For more information check out the article at the Wall Street Journal

Supernatural Season 2: Top 5 Episodes

Today I am continuing my list of top episodes of Supernatural.  This time I am hitting season 2 and boy, it was hard to narrow the episodes down to 5.  Once again I will be including the episode title, number, a quick summary, and my thoughts and reasons for each choice. I am however not ranking the episodes, that is just way too difficult. So without further ado...

No Exit (2x06)
Summary: Sam and Dean take a case put together by Jo about women going missing in an apartment building.  Jo shows up against Ellen's wishes to help solve the case.  Turns out H.H. Holmes ghost is to blame.
Why I picked it: I'll admit, Jo was kind of annoying and I do not miss her character.  However, I still like this episode.  First of all, because I have actually heard of and know a little somethin' somethin' about H.H. Holmes and am interested in that topic.  Secondly, I enjoyed seeing the guys work alongside Jo for a little bit.  The ending had some good drama and that's the last we see Ellen for a while.  Again, mostly my reasoning is H.H. Holmes.  That's a whole other story for another day though.

Tall Tales (2x15)
Summary: The boys head to a college town where urban legends have been coming true.  While doing this they begin to fight over stupid stuff until Bobby saves the day.
Why:  The Trickster!  Need I say more?  He is probably one of my favorite bad guys (but is he really bad?)  I totally agree with his "just desserts" thinking-somewhat.  In addition, I always enjoy the comedy filled episodes like this.  For example, the way some of the victims die and the guys bickering.  Spoiler alert: my season 3 list will most likely feature the Trickster again.

Crossroad Blues (2x08)
Summary: The boys begin to investigate a case where a man was mauled by a dog only to find out it is a hellhound.  They then discover the reason for the mans death, among others is deals with the crossroads demons.
Why: This sets up what is to come in season 3 with Dean and the crossroads demon.  In addition, I also enjoy the cold opening with its jazz music.

What is and Never Should Be (2x20)
Summary: Sam and Dean are hunting a djinn when Dean is attacked and suddenly finds himself in an alternate universe where Mary is still alive and they never began hunting. When Dean realizes all the people they had saved are dead he has to act to change things and return to his "normal" life.
Why: I enjoy seeing Mary  Winchester and the life that the boys could have had if not for yellow eyes.  In addition, its nice to see Dean doing something other than hunting and enjoying a normal apple pie life.  He seems to enjoy it too.

All Hell Breaks Loose (2x21)
Summary: Sam is abducted by Azazel (yellow eyes) and placed in a town with other special children like him.  Turns out he is there to fight it out to see who is the top special kid with powers.  Dean and Bobby go on the hunt for Sam and find the roadhouse burned down.  If you have seen the series you know what happens at the end.  If not, I'm not going to spoil it here.  Either way: major thing.
Why: It sets up most of season 3 with the ending.  In addition, I generally found the "kids" in the ghost town interesting.  It was almost like a version of the Hunger Games where only one can survive.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

New Harry Potter Short Story

Today is full of Harry Potter news and events. Today the new expansion, Diagon Alley, at Universal Studios opened and J.K. Rowling just released a new short story on Pottermore.

You can log in to your Pottermore account to read it, but if you are like me you probably forgot your password!
Below is the complete story as featured/reported on The Today Show.
The Today Show

Exclusive: Read J.K. Rowling's new post for the latest Harry Potter 'gossip'

4 hours ago
Can’t get enough of Harry Potter? Then this is for you. Since March, best-selling author J. K. Rowling has been writing original stories about the imaginary 2014 Quidditch World Cup Finals for Pottermore, the online home for the world of Harry Potter. 
Rowling shared her latest Pottermore.com story exclusively with TODAY.com. Written in the voice of the fictional Daily Prophet's gossip correspondent Rita Skeeter, this post centers around the reunion of Harry Potter and his friends at the Quidditch World Cup Finals.
A scene from Pottermore
Warner Brothers
Dumbledore’s Army Reunites at Quidditch World Cup Final
By the Daily Prophet’s Gossip Correspondent, Rita Skeeter
There are celebrities – and then there are celebrities. We’ve seen many a famous face from the wizarding world grace the stands here in the Patagonian Desert – Ministers and Presidents, Celestina Warbeck, controversial American wizarding band The Bent-Winged Snitches – all have caused flurries of excitement, with crowd members scrambling for autographs and even casting Bridging Charms to reach the VIP boxes over the heads of the crowd.
But when word swept the campsite and stadium that a certain gang of infamous wizards (no longer the fresh-faced teenagers they were in their heyday, but nevertheless recognisable) had arrived for the final, excitement was beyond anything yet seen. As the crowd stampeded, tents were flattened and small children mown down. Fans from all corners of the globe stormed towards the area where members of Dumbledore’s Army were rumoured to have been sighted, desperate above all else for a glimpse of the man they still call the Chosen One.
The Potter family and the rest of Dumbledore’s Army have been given accommodation in the VIP section of the campsite, which is protected by heavy charms and patrolled by Security Warlocks. Their presence has ensured large crowds along the cordoned area, all hoping for a glimpse of their heroes. At 3pm today they got their wish when, to the accompaniment of loud screams, Potter took his young sons James and Albus to visit the players’ compound, where he introduced them to Bulgarian Seeker Viktor Krum.
About to turn 34, there are a couple of threads of silver in the famous Auror’s black hair, but he continues to wear the distinctive round glasses that some might say are better suited to a style-deficient twelve-year-old. The famous lightning scar has company: Potter is sporting a nasty cut over his right cheekbone. Requests for information as to its provenance merely produced the usual response from the Ministry of Magic: ‘We do not comment on the top secret work of the Auror department, as we have told you no less than 514 times, Ms. Skeeter.’ So what are they hiding? Is the Chosen One embroiled in fresh mysteries that will one day explode upon us all, plunging us into a new age of terror and mayhem?
Or does his injury have a more humble origin, one that Potter is desperate to hide? Has his wife perhaps cursed him? Are cracks beginning to show in a union that the Potters are determined to promote as happy? Should we read anything into the fact that his wife Ginevra has been perfectly happy to leave her husband and children behind in London whilst reporting on this tournament? The jury is out on whether she really had the talent or experience to be sent to the Quidditch World Cup (jury’s back in – no!!!) but let’s face it, when your last name is Potter, doors open, international sporting bodies bow and scrape, and Daily Prophet editors hand you plum assignments.
As their devoted fans and followers will remember, Potter and Krum competed against each other in the controversial Triwizard Tournament, but apparently there are no hard feelings, as they embraced upon meeting (what really happened in that maze? Speculation is unlikely to be quelled by the warmth of their greeting). After half an hour’s chat, Potter and his sons returned to the campsite where they socialised with the rest of Dumbledore’s Army until the small hours.
In the next tent are Potter’s two closest associates, the ones who know everything about him and yet have always refused to talk to the press. Are they afraid of him, or is it their own secrets they are afraid will leak out, tarnishing the myth of He Who Could Not Be Named’s defeat? Now married, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger were with Potter almost every step of the way. Like the rest of Dumbledore’s Army, they fought in the Battle of Hogwarts and no doubt deserve the plaudits and awards for bravery heaped upon them by a grateful wizarding world.
In the immediate aftermath of the battle Weasley, whose famous ginger hair appears to be thinning slightly, entered into employment with the Ministry of Magic alongside Potter, but left only two years later to co-manage the highly successful wizarding joke emporium Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. Was he, as he stated at the time, ‘delighted to assist my brother George with a business I’ve always loved’? Or had he had his fill of standing in Potter’s shadow? Was the work of the Auror Department too much for a man who has admitted that the destruction of He Who Could Not Be Named’s Horcruxes ‘took its toll’ on him? He shows no obvious signs of mental illness from a distance, but the public is not allowed close enough to make a proper assessment. Is this suspicious?
Hermione Granger, of course, was always the femme fatale of the group. Press reports of the time revealed that as a teenager she toyed with the young Potter’s affections before being seduced away by the muscular Viktor Krum, finally settling for Potter’s faithful sidekick. After a meteoric rise to Deputy Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, she is now tipped to go even higher within the Ministry, and is also mother to son, Hugo, and daughter, Rose. Does Hermione Granger prove that a witch really can have it all? (No – look at her hair.)
Then there are those members of Dumbledore’s Army who receive slightly less publicity than Potter, Weasley and Granger (are they resentful? Almost certainly). Neville Longbottom, now a popular Herbology teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is here in Patagonia with his wife Hannah. Until recently the pair lived above the Leaky Cauldron in London, but rumour has it that Hannah has not only retrained as a Healer, but is applying for the job of Matron at Hogwarts. Idle gossip suggests that she and her husband both enjoy a little more Ogden’s Old Firewhisky than most of us would expect from custodians of our children, but no doubt we all wish her the best of luck with her application.
Last of the ringleaders of Dumbledore’s Army is, of course, Luna Lovegood (now married to Rolf Scamander, swarthy grandson of celebrated Magizoologist Newt). Still delightfully eccentric, Luna has been sweeping around the VIP section in robes composed of the flags of all sixteen qualifying countries. Her twin sons are ‘at home with grandpa’. Is this a euphemism for ‘too disturbed to be seen in public’? Surely only the unkindest would suggest so.
Sundry other members of the Army are here, but it is on these six that most interest is focused. Wherever there is a red head one may make an educated guess that it belongs to a Weasley, but it is difficult to tell whether it is George (wealthy co-manager of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes), Charlie (dragon wrangler, still unmarried – why?) or Percy (Head of the Department of Magical Transportation – it’s his fault if the Floo Network’s too busy!). The only one who is easy to recognise is Bill who, poor man, is grievously scarred from an encounter with a werewolf and yet somehow (enchantment? Love potion? Blackmail? Kidnap?) married the undeniably beautiful (though doubtless empty-headed) Fleur Delacour.
Word is that we shall see these and other members of Dumbledore’s Army in the VIP boxes at the final, adding to the glitz and razzmatazz of a gala occasion. Let us hope that the behaviour of two of their younger hangers-on does not embarrass them, heaping shame on those who have previously brought honour to the name of wizard.
One always hesitates to invade the privacy of young people, but the fact is that anyone closely connected with Harry Potter reaps the benefits and must pay the penalty of public interest. No doubt Potter will be distressed to know that his sixteen-year-old godson Teddy Lupin – a lanky half-werewolf with bright blue hair – has been behaving in a way unbefitting of wizarding royalty since arriving on the VIP campsite. It might be asking too much that the always-busy Potter keep a tighter rein on this wild boy, who was entrusted to his care by his dying parents, but one shudders to think what will become of Master Lupin without urgent intervention. Meanwhile, Mr and Mrs Bill Weasley might like to know that their beautiful, blonde daughter Victoire seems to be attracted to any dark corner where Master Lupin happens to be lurking. The good news is both of them seem to have invented a method of breathing through their ears. I can think of no other reason how they have survived such prolonged periods of what, in my young day, was called ‘snogging.’
But let us not be severe. Harry Potter and his cohorts never claimed to be perfect! And for those who want to know exactly how imperfect they are, my new biography: Dumbledore’s Army: The Dark Side of the Demob will be available from Flourish and Blotts on July 31st. 

For more original writing about the Quidditch World Cup Finals and other information about Harry Potter's world, visit Pottermore.com.  

Monday, July 7, 2014

Man Crush Monday: Chris Evans

Well since the 4th of July just passed, I figured this Monday's post should be about the one and only Captain America!
Not many people can say that they are 2 superheros. Chris Evans plays not only Captain America but Johnny Storm as well. I just recently saw The Fantastic Four a couple of months ago. It wasn't as terrible as I was made to believe but it was pretty cheesy. Johnny Storm was my favorite though, it was just so opposite of Captain America. It's kind of cool that he got to play two vastly different characters in the Marvel world.

I have to admit that, Captain America is not one of my favorite characters. I love the character and how Chris Evans portrays him, I just kind of thought he was just OK. Fast forward to the Avengers and I began to see just how important he was. I began to give him a little more respect. Then I saw The Winter Soldier! It was amazing! Totally different from the first two movies. I could tell that Chris Evans was really owning his role as the Captain. It's nice to see a little patriotism nowadays. 

I can't wait to see how the events of Winter Soldier effect The Avengers: Age of Ultron. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Sherlock News!!

Guess what was announced today?!

Sherlock Season 4 will be coming in the next year or so! No official dates have been announced but Mark Gatiss says that filming will begin next year.

There will also be a Christmas special coming!

EW: Sherlock
Above is the Entertainment Weekly news article about the show.

BBC One also teased some things on Twitter. That article is below.
BBC: Sherlock

Be sure to follow all of the news on the @BBCOne twitter page.

I'm pretty excited about this! I've never been so obsessed with a show before where I get so excited for things! I can't wait until 2:21pm!!!