I've been in the Harry Potter fandom since I was 11, 14 years ago! I waited at midnight for books and movies. I've read all of the books multiple times and the movies too. Every time I read or watch something about Harry Potter, I discover something new. They characters meant a lot to me when I was a kid. I identified with them and was immersed into their world. This series got me through a lot, especially in junior high.
I'm going to list some of my favorite characters and why. Some of these became my favorites after I saw them in the movies. Some of them started with my love for the books.
Harry Potter~

Harry was always my favorite, even before the movies. His story wasn't anything like my own life and I think that is what made him intriguing. Listening to Harry go through the first book was exactly how I felt as the reader. We were both experiencing the events and the details of the books for the first time. From going to Gringotts, to getting sorted by the Sorting Hat. Then, when Harry became the hero that everyone looked up to, I looked up to him too. The kid who didn't know what anything was around him, adapted and became the character that we know today.
Draco Malfoy~

Draco wasn't really my favorite in the books, that pretty much changed in the movie. I remember reading about him in the book for the first time and thinking that he was a jerk. As his story got deeper and we met the rest of his family, I began to understand why he was the way he was. Instead of thinking the Malfoy was just this spoiled jerk, I began to fee a little bad for him. Especially later on in the series where you knew that Malfoy was a bad kid because of his background. I think he redeemed himself in the end.
Neville Longbottom~

I always thought that Neville was sort of an under rated character. In the beginning he was just this scared, nerdy kid. Kind of how a lot of people feel that age, which made him really relate able. He was the example of how every kid feels on their first day of school. The scared/nervous kid who always got picked on. He made a name for himself later on, by helping Harry during the Triwizard tournament or fighting Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic. His shining moment was when he killed Nagini, one of the Horcruxes. It showed that that once scared little kid could grow up to help save the world.
Luna Lovegood~

Luna was another lonely, nerdy character of the books. I felt that she wasn't showcased as much as she could have been. I always found her very quirky and and so different from everyone else. She didn't seem to care that people made fun of her. She stuck to her beliefs for the entire series and she never wavered. She knew who she was and didn't change for anyone. She was one to be admired for her quiet heroism. She is a true testament to the statement, "be yourself".
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