Thursday, July 10, 2014

Favorite Game of Thrones Characters

A while ago I finally caught up with Game of Thrones.  I originally watched season 1 when it began but then we got rid of our HBO subscription. It was a sad day.  Therefore, I have been missing out lately.  That is until I found out the library had the first three seasons.  I was ecstatic and for the past month my mother and I have been watching GoT.  We are currently waiting for season 3 to be available. The last I looked I am the 6th person in line for the hold on it.  I think we will be waiting a while yet.
This all got me thinking what a good post Game of Thrones would make.  If you have not seen the show yet I would recommend checking it out if you have a way to watch somehow.  The writing and acting is terrific.  I have decided to list my favorite characters from the first 2 seasons.  Once I get to season 3 those views could change though.

Tyrion Lannister: He is probably my favorite.  Sure he wants power, but so does everyone else in the show.  I think he has at least some morals and he is brutally honest and intelligent.  I cannot forget his great wit and the fact that he is okay with slapping that little brat Joffrey.

Arya Stark: Most of the Starks get on my nerves. Arya is one of the exceptions.  She is brave, smart, and a total tomboy which I love.  She has so much spunk.  Props to the young actress for pulling of this character at a young age.

Jon Snow: First off Kit Harrington is gorgeous.  I also really like that Jon again has morals and seems to be a generally good guy.  He has some baggage as well with being a bastard who does not know his mother and his dads wife being totally ride to him.  I enjoyed seeing the relationship between him and Arya as well, or at least the little bit we did see.

Lord Peter Baelish (Littlefinger): Sure he cannot be trusted and hungry for power. However, the man is smart and I find him very entertaining.

Daenerys Tarfaryen: The mother ofntbe dragons has always been one of my favorites.  She had a rough childhood growing up with her jerk brother.  On top of that she was practically forced to marry Drogo who was probably pretty scary. Although she did grow to love him. I like the dragons thing. In addition, I enjoy seeing her relationship with Sir Jorah.

That is it for my list.  There are more characters I like but I'll save them for another day.  There's also a lot I do not like.  Who are your favorite and not favorites? Let me know.
Another note I tried to read the books as well.  Although they were good they were hard to get through.  In addition, the library only let me keep it for two weeks so j had not time finish with working full time and whatnot.  Maybe I will have to put those on hold at my local library.

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