Friday, August 29, 2014

The Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N Exhibition

I ended to make a trip out to New York to see this awesome interactive exhibit. Cecelia you are coming with me.  The exhibit is located in Times Square and is titled Avengers Scientific Training and Tactical Intelligence Operative Network (aka STATION).   Here you will find stuff about the Avengers along with scientific info.  A lot of this info has to do with how the brain works.  The Avengers and psychology in one exhibit. I must go!  Here are a few things that look interesting from the exhibit.
IMG_3611The exhibit begins with an introduction and a short background on SHIELD and the Avengers.  You are then asked to become an agent and get to enter to exhibit and move between rooms focusing on different characters.  The exhibit features costumes and memorabilia from the MCU and is interactive.

Iron Man: Since Iron Man is my favorite Avenger, this section sounds the most interesting to me.  From what I have gathered this room features a Heads Up Display so that one can feel like Tony Stark in the suit.   This also gives a real time brain scan by pressing your forehead to a EEG sensor.  This scan detects brain waves and allows visitors to "command" the heads up display much like Iron Man does with his helmet.  Sounds pretty cool- sciency and Iron Man in one.  There are also displays of at least one Iron Man suit

Hulk: This is another one of the rooms visitors get to see.  This room features an interactive computer that shows you how the Hulks brain works when he transforms from Bruce Banner into the Hulk.  (Yay psychology!)  It explains why the Hulk only says a few things like "Hulk Smash" and how he can do the things he does.

IMG_3602From all the info I have gathered this exhibit has much much more in store.  It is just to much to share having not been there yet myself.  That is why I must go! To share the awesomeness with all of you readers.  Cecelia you are invited to go with: there is Loki stuff.
The exhibit runs through January 5, 2015.  I am hoping it will become a travelling exhibit in the future just in case I cannot make it to New York this year.    Has anybody been to the Station.  If so how was it?  Let me know in the comments.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Favorite Harry Potter Characters Ashley's Picks

Fred and George Weasley
The Weasley twins were instantly some of my favorites starting with the first time when we as readers met them at platform 9 3/4.  They are just funny, witty, and smart.  They are probably also people whom I would be friends with.  They also stand up for their family and friends.  I think the films did them justice as well.  The Phelps twins who portrayed Fred and George did a good job.

Luna Lovegood
Luna was not an instant favorite for me.  It wasn't til over halfway through the fifth book that I began to like her.  At first she just seemed straight up crazy and as comic relief.  It was later we saw her true character and her heart.  I like the fact that she isn't a typical person and beats to the march of her own drum.  She is an individual who doesn't care what others think of her which I think is awesome.

Molly Weasley
Okay, so I pretty much like all of the Weasley's (except Percy).  I wish I could be a part of this awesome family.  Although Molly can be overbearing at times and kind of scary when she gets angry, she has a great heart.  She's just so caring and sweet.  This is another character whom I think casting in the movies was perfect.    O and my favorite line "Not my daughter you B*#*#"  It just shows how much she cares about her family.

Sirus Black
One of my favorite books was Prisoner of Azkaban.  I especially liked the part where it was revealed that Sirius wasn't bad, but actually a good guy who just so happens to be Harry's godfather.   It gave Harry and us readers hope that he could maybe leave Privet Dr.  I love Sirius because like Molly, he genuinely cares for Harry.  In addition, he has that rebellious side where he just want to have fun.  The beginning of the Order of the Phoenix made me feel for Sirius a little bit more and we also learned more about his past.  One more thing, the animigus part is pretty cool too.

Bellatrix Lestrange
Lets be honest, Bellatrix is a terrible person. She is pretty much He Who Must Not Be Named's number one woman and supporter.  Plus she kills so major characters and a dislike her for that.  However, the movies made me love the character.  Particularly Helena Bonham Carter's portrayal.  It was just amazing.  The casting for that was another perfect match in my opinion.  I wish I had a better reason for liking her other than that, but I do not.  She does know what she believes in though, even if it is evil

Monday, August 25, 2014

Man Crush Monday: Dane DeHaan

     Since the new Spiderman movie came out last week, I figured that I would talk about one of the characters. I am way more of a fan of the Green Goblin in the reboot than I am of Spiderman.

     Dane DeHaan was pretty much unknown until this year. He was cast as the new Green Goblin in The Amazing Spiderman 2. He has been in more movies than this but nothing with this much popularity before.

      He is another one of those actors that looks really cute depending on the photograph. His Green Goblin is more goblin looking than the original. He looks like how a Marvel villain should look, he looks like a goblin. Hopefully we will see a lot more of him in the third movie. 

     Dane DeHaan brings a lot more personality to Harry Osborne than James Franco's portrayal in the original trilogy. You get a better sense of why he gets so desperate and eventually turns into the Green Goblin. It makes way more sense than the original, there is a better reason for the transformation. I can't wait to see Dane DeHaan again in the next movie! He really is one of my favorites in this new trilogy. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

More Goodies on Pottermore: Celestina Warbeck

The ever wonderful J.K. Rowling sure has been busy these days adding tidbits to Potter more lately.  First it was the Quidditch world cup about a month ago, now we are getting some more information about Celestina Warbeck.  Molly Weasley would be excited.
 For those of you who do not have Potter more account or who are like me and the new content is still locked for some reason (I was very disappointed), here is the biography about the songstress that I got from I believe it is the full story.  If not, let me know and I apologize.  I am working on unlocking it myself.  Without further rambling I give you some further info on Celestina Warbeck

Celestina Warbeck
Birthday: August 18
Wand: Larch and phoenix feather, 10 1/2 inches long, flexible 
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Special abilities: Ability to drown out a chorus of banshees, tap-dancing, fancy baking
Parentage: Wizard father, Muggle mother
Family: Has married three times; one son
Hobbies: Travelling in fabulous style, breeding rough-coated Crups, relaxing in any of her eight homes 

You can check out the remainder of the story either st or at

My favorite parts are about her upbringing as well as explanation as to why sweet Molly has never had the chance to see her live. I recommend any Potter fan check it out.  Until next time.
