Friday, August 29, 2014

The Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N Exhibition

I ended to make a trip out to New York to see this awesome interactive exhibit. Cecelia you are coming with me.  The exhibit is located in Times Square and is titled Avengers Scientific Training and Tactical Intelligence Operative Network (aka STATION).   Here you will find stuff about the Avengers along with scientific info.  A lot of this info has to do with how the brain works.  The Avengers and psychology in one exhibit. I must go!  Here are a few things that look interesting from the exhibit.
IMG_3611The exhibit begins with an introduction and a short background on SHIELD and the Avengers.  You are then asked to become an agent and get to enter to exhibit and move between rooms focusing on different characters.  The exhibit features costumes and memorabilia from the MCU and is interactive.

Iron Man: Since Iron Man is my favorite Avenger, this section sounds the most interesting to me.  From what I have gathered this room features a Heads Up Display so that one can feel like Tony Stark in the suit.   This also gives a real time brain scan by pressing your forehead to a EEG sensor.  This scan detects brain waves and allows visitors to "command" the heads up display much like Iron Man does with his helmet.  Sounds pretty cool- sciency and Iron Man in one.  There are also displays of at least one Iron Man suit

Hulk: This is another one of the rooms visitors get to see.  This room features an interactive computer that shows you how the Hulks brain works when he transforms from Bruce Banner into the Hulk.  (Yay psychology!)  It explains why the Hulk only says a few things like "Hulk Smash" and how he can do the things he does.

IMG_3602From all the info I have gathered this exhibit has much much more in store.  It is just to much to share having not been there yet myself.  That is why I must go! To share the awesomeness with all of you readers.  Cecelia you are invited to go with: there is Loki stuff.
The exhibit runs through January 5, 2015.  I am hoping it will become a travelling exhibit in the future just in case I cannot make it to New York this year.    Has anybody been to the Station.  If so how was it?  Let me know in the comments.


  1. OMG!!! I had no idea that this existed!

    1. Well now you do. And now we must go!! Did I mention there is a Hawkeye costume on display too?!
