This is just a quick post. I know I have been slacking lately on the posting. I have a lot of posts in the works though. That's not why I am writing today though.
The purpose of RBIs short post is to let you know that there is a program on NBC tonight called Harry Potter: The Making of Diagon Alley. I for one will be tuning in. It is on at 7pm Central time. I will probably post my thoughts about it later too. Who else will watch?
Monday, June 30, 2014
Man Crush Monday: Robert Downey Jr.
The sexiest thing about Robert Downey Jr. is just how deep he gets into character. The man lives and breaths Iron Man 24/7, at least that's what it looks and sounds like when he is in the media. He truly is Iron Man/Tony Stark. No other man can play this part.

Another thing to admire about him is his journey to become a success again. After his time in jail and dealing with drugs, he turned his life around. It makes him a role model outside of the Marvel Universe as well. If he did not turn his life around there wouldn't be the Tony Stark that we know today.
Just because it's Man Crush Monday, you get to see my favorite gif of Iron Man below!

I'm sorry but I think I actually gasped during this part of Iron Man 3 when I saw it in theaters. Can he dance in every movie please?
I am pretty excited about Avengers: Age of Ultron. I really hope that there is a lot of Iron Man in it. I know that Robert Downey Jr. already completed filming though. I guess we will just have to wait until next year to see.
Friday, June 27, 2014
All My Nerdy Jewelry
I have collected a lot of fun jewelry over the years, yet only a small portion is nerdy. Just recently, I have been buying a lot of nerdy pieces. Jewelry changes so much that when I see something cool, I tend to buy it. It's happened way to many times where I've talked myself out of something and gone back to the store to find it gone.
I did not count my Disney stuff in this post because although I consider it kind of nerdy, I want to focus on more of the fandoms for this post. Maybe I will save that for a different post.
This post is going to be very picture heavy! However, in my opinion all the pictures are pretty cool ;-)

I bought this Loki ring from the Etsy shop, Impressed Art. All of their jewelry is made out of sterling silver.
They range from Avengers to Sherlock to Dr. Who so there is something for everyone. There are also a bunch of non-fandom things thrown into the mix as well.

These lovely pieces came in a set. I bought this last year, so the shop has changed since then and I do not see the set anymore. This shop has a lot of symbols like the ones I bought from things like Kingdom Hearts and Batman. They also have a lot of Steam punk looking jewelry

Ashley gave me this bracelet for my birthday this year! She's just kind of awesome like that ;-).
This one is themed to the BBC show; Sherlock and you can tell right away. Ashley has featured this shop on the blog before! There are some pretty awesome fandom themed bracelets on this site.
Hot Topic~
Most of my fandom jewelry is from Hot Topic. They have a huge collection and it changes all of the time.
Every time I go in that store, I have to convince myself not to buy everything. Well the last time I totally failed and bought 4 pieces of jewelry. One was Disney, so you won't see that today. Everything was buy one, get one half off; I couldn't resist!

Little R2-D2 earrings! These were just too adorable to pass up!

I had to buy this necklace! Loki is my favorite and you don't see a lot of merchandise for him, comic version or live action version. I couldn't pass this up because seeing Loki anything is just to rare.

Harry Potter earrings! Harry Potter was my first fandom and I didn't have any jewelry for it! Well, now I do!

These guys have to be my favorite! Their little heads are just so cute.
All Hot Topic items have been purchased in the past couple of months. If you like any of the above, they could still be in stores!
Forever 21~
My Forever 21 jewelry isn't really fandom specific. One isn't really nerdy at all, I just call it that. Forever 21 is one of those stores where if you see something, you have to buy it. I swear they change everything once a week. Every time I go in the store there are different things to look at.

My little comic book earrings! I love these because they are subtle and pretty cool at the same time.
I believe that they have a ring version of this too, but it didn't fit my fingers.

This last one wasn't meant to be nerdy but I've made it that way. I call it my Hawkeye necklace because I am a nerd and I love that character!
The point of having all of this jewelry is to show the world that I am passionate about certain things. There are so many awesome thins out there for the fandoms. I like supporting other nerds as well with their Etsy shops. I hope you enjoyed a peak into my world as a nerdy girl! Maybe I will do more of these types of posts in the future.
I did not count my Disney stuff in this post because although I consider it kind of nerdy, I want to focus on more of the fandoms for this post. Maybe I will save that for a different post.
This post is going to be very picture heavy! However, in my opinion all the pictures are pretty cool ;-)
I bought this Loki ring from the Etsy shop, Impressed Art. All of their jewelry is made out of sterling silver.
They range from Avengers to Sherlock to Dr. Who so there is something for everyone. There are also a bunch of non-fandom things thrown into the mix as well.
These lovely pieces came in a set. I bought this last year, so the shop has changed since then and I do not see the set anymore. This shop has a lot of symbols like the ones I bought from things like Kingdom Hearts and Batman. They also have a lot of Steam punk looking jewelry
Ashley gave me this bracelet for my birthday this year! She's just kind of awesome like that ;-).
This one is themed to the BBC show; Sherlock and you can tell right away. Ashley has featured this shop on the blog before! There are some pretty awesome fandom themed bracelets on this site.
Hot Topic~
Most of my fandom jewelry is from Hot Topic. They have a huge collection and it changes all of the time.
Every time I go in that store, I have to convince myself not to buy everything. Well the last time I totally failed and bought 4 pieces of jewelry. One was Disney, so you won't see that today. Everything was buy one, get one half off; I couldn't resist!
Little R2-D2 earrings! These were just too adorable to pass up!
I had to buy this necklace! Loki is my favorite and you don't see a lot of merchandise for him, comic version or live action version. I couldn't pass this up because seeing Loki anything is just to rare.
Harry Potter earrings! Harry Potter was my first fandom and I didn't have any jewelry for it! Well, now I do!
These guys have to be my favorite! Their little heads are just so cute.
All Hot Topic items have been purchased in the past couple of months. If you like any of the above, they could still be in stores!
Forever 21~
My Forever 21 jewelry isn't really fandom specific. One isn't really nerdy at all, I just call it that. Forever 21 is one of those stores where if you see something, you have to buy it. I swear they change everything once a week. Every time I go in the store there are different things to look at.
My little comic book earrings! I love these because they are subtle and pretty cool at the same time.
I believe that they have a ring version of this too, but it didn't fit my fingers.
This last one wasn't meant to be nerdy but I've made it that way. I call it my Hawkeye necklace because I am a nerd and I love that character!
The point of having all of this jewelry is to show the world that I am passionate about certain things. There are so many awesome thins out there for the fandoms. I like supporting other nerds as well with their Etsy shops. I hope you enjoyed a peak into my world as a nerdy girl! Maybe I will do more of these types of posts in the future.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Guardians of the Galaxy News!
If you haven't heard the news yet, Nathan Fillion has been confirmed as being in The Guardians of the Galaxy. I for one am super excited for this news and this film. If you are just getting this news from our blog, here is what we know.
The internet has been going crazy trying to guess Fillions part. I personally do not care as long A) I can tell it is him and B) he preferably plays a somewhat good guy. The longer the cameo the better. I personally think it would be great if he would return as Firefly's Malcolm Reynolds, brown coat and all. I can just picture him sitting along the side lines in a bar or something or watching a fight. It would work seeing as both Firefly and Guardians of the Galaxy take place in outer space.
What are your thoughts on this awesome news? Are you happy like me, or disappointed and what do you think the cameo will be? I guess we won't know until Guardians of the Galaxy hits theaters August 2
Fillion has appeared in other films by Guardians writer and director James Gunn such as Slither. Today, Gunn tweeted confirmation that Fillion will have a cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy. Here is the tweet:
“@STARS_TyranT: Are the rumours true that he has some part in the film?” @nathanfillion has a very small fun cameo he did as a favor to me.
The internet has been going crazy trying to guess Fillions part. I personally do not care as long A) I can tell it is him and B) he preferably plays a somewhat good guy. The longer the cameo the better. I personally think it would be great if he would return as Firefly's Malcolm Reynolds, brown coat and all. I can just picture him sitting along the side lines in a bar or something or watching a fight. It would work seeing as both Firefly and Guardians of the Galaxy take place in outer space.

Monday, June 23, 2014
Happy Birthday Mr. Whedon
I would like to wish the amazing, talented, Joss Whedon a Happy Birthday. Granted, he will probably never read this blog, but its the thought that counts right? In honor of Mr. Whedon I am going to write about my favorite works of his as well as share some (interesting?) facts.
My personal favorite by Joss Whedon is probably Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog. I was going to watch this gem on Netflix but they have since taken it off, it's a sad day. Anywho, if you haven't watched this short mini-series (it's only 42 minutes all together) you should. It has the amazing Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion, One cannot forget about Felicia Day and a small part for Simon Helberg (of Big Bang Theory fame) as well. The plot is interesting and the music is well written and quite catchy. My favorite song is "My Freeze Ray". I could go on for longer but I'll end it here.
My next favorite work by Whedon is The Avengers because duh, it is The Avengers. If you do not know what this blockbuster is you have been living under a rock. My next favorite would be Firefly. Again, I have talked about Firefly on here before. Some have not seen it and I respect that. I recommend watching it. Again, it features Nathan Fillion along with a great supporting cast.
Now, enough about me. I also was talking to Cecelia earlier today. I asked her what her favorite Whedon project was as well. Her response: The Avengers. Her reasoning: "I haven't seen anything else". Her words exactly. I know that was a mistake on her part, seeing as she watches Agents of Shield and has seen Toy Story (more on that bit later). I'm also going to assume it's her favorite because it is a kick-butt movie and because of Loki and Hawkeye. That is just my guess though.
Returning to Toy Story. Did you know that Joss Whedon was a writer on Toy Story. No joke. Just another great movie to add to his resume. The man is seriously brilliant. I cannot imagine Hollywood, the TV world, or fandoms without him.
I will end my ranting with another simple Happy Birthday Mr. Whedon. Thank you for sharing your vision and talent with us all.
Man Crush Monday: Taylor Kitsch
I feel that Taylor Kitsch is an under rated actor today. A lot of his recent movies really haven't done that well, but I've really liked them.
My favorite role of his is Gambit in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. This is where I first saw him in anything. I never watched Friday Night Lights so i had no idea who Taylor Kitsch was before this movie. He just fit the role so perfectly! He sounded like he really was from New Orleans and he totally looked the part.
I am super mad that he will not being playing Gambit again! To anyone that doesn't know, Channing Tatum will be taking the role over. I don't even think Channing Tatum is that attractive, sorry ladies! He just doesn't look the part either.
Another movie that I loved of Taylor's was John Carter. It didn't make much money in theaters, but I saw it and loved it!

I am super mad that he will not being playing Gambit again! To anyone that doesn't know, Channing Tatum will be taking the role over. I don't even think Channing Tatum is that attractive, sorry ladies! He just doesn't look the part either.
Another movie that I loved of Taylor's was John Carter. It didn't make much money in theaters, but I saw it and loved it!

I thought that he played the charter very well and I loved the story. The plot twist at the end was especially surprising. I was pretty sad when I found out that it didn't do well.
I think that Taylor Kitsch has a promising career, I don't know what people don't go and see more of his movies. I think that he has a lot of talent, maybe he just isn't picking the right movies. One day he will have a major hit and I really hope that that happens soon. I am rooting for his career!
Friday, June 20, 2014
What Your Fandom Really Says About You
I took this article from Buzzfeed because it fits perfectly with our little blog here.
I am apart of the Sherlock, Star Wars, Marvel, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. All of the descriptions fit me pretty well. Enjoy!
What Your Fandom Really Says About You
Keely FlahertyBuzzFeed Staff
You might not exactly be the high-functioning sociopath that your favorite antihero is, but you’re still an extremely intelligent person who sets a high bar in all aspects of your life, including your fandom. You have a romantic streak that you like to hide underneath a biting, sardonic humor. You tend to focus your energy on your career, you expect others to live up to the same high standard you set for yourself, and you can be stubborn and unforgiving when it comes to conflict — but that same stubbornness also makes you a fiercely loyal friend and colleague. Sherlockians are a united online force, so you pretty much own Tumblr and have perfected the art of fanfic, whether you’re loyal to Sheriarty or Johnlock.
Your wit is unrivaled, and you’re the master of deflecting conflict with humor. You’re part of a fandom that’s powerful and united enough to get a canceled TV show made into a movie, so you’re naturally tenacious, but you’re too emotionally intelligent to overuse that tenacity. You pick your battles almost as carefully as you pick your friends. Those close to you know that behind all that flippant humor and quirkiness, you’re a sensitive and devoted friend. Chances are, you’re also a bit of a renaissance geek, much like Joss Whedon himself. From comic books to the silver screen, you’re a fan of all things nerdy, zany, and emotionally resonant. And you’re the coolest person to hang out with at Comic Con.
Downton Abbey
You’re a romantic through and through, but that doesn’t mean you’re naive. Like your fandom, you’re a quiet but strong presence. Chances are, you often prefer the company of books over people, and sometimes feel you were born in the wrong era. You’re an empathetic and steadfast, patient friend and an excellent listener, which makes you someone people feel comfortable confiding in. You never seek out conflict, but like the Dowager Countess, you also never forget someone who’s wronged you, and you keep a careful inventory of whom you can and cannot trust.
Game of Thrones
Your fandom is a rare blend of political reality and fantasy, which makes you a highly pragmatic and grounded person. You might still believe in magic and hold a special place in your heart for Hogwarts, but above all, you understand the importance of power. And so does George R.R. Martin. Chances are, you’re not usually big into “fandoms” but the realness of the stories in Game of Thrones is what draws you in. You’re a very present person, and you most likely focus a lot of energy on your professional life, but behind your businesslike exterior, you have an insatiable wanderlust and a desire to experience everything in life you possibly can — because you know, better than most, that all men must die.
Adventure Time
Cartoon Network / Via
You’re an earnestly eccentric person who has a taste for whimsy. Like your favorite cartoon characters, you’re a tried-and-true friend who loves to explore new places and meet new people. You can have a hard time expressing yourself emotionally at times, and like to focus your energy on getting to travel and see new places rather than putting roots down and cultivating your romantic relationships. You also don’t place a lot of value on material goods. You have a wide circle of friends and are a social, genuinely likable person, but you let only a few special people into your closer inner circle.
Doctor Who
BBC / Via
Like the good Doctor, your kindness is matched only by your intelligence. You take a genuine interest in others and are a humanitarian through and through. You enjoy small groups over large crowds and choose whom you confide in very carefully. You believe honesty is the best policy in all situations and are a very emotionally open person. You have a very defined sense of morality, and while you enjoy exploring new places, you also know that you’d like to eventually settle down with the right person. You have a natural fascination with the world and take joy in learning, especially when it comes to all that wibbly wobbly timey wimey…stuff.
Star Wars
Lucasfilm / Via
Whether you grew up watching the original trilogy or jumped on the bandwagon when the newer episodes came out, you’re part of the one of the foundations of fandom. You’re someone who weighs decisions carefully before acting, and understands that right and wrong aren’t easily defined. You’re a highly emotionally intelligent person who does well in social situations, but you prefer low-key settings with people you trust and feel comfortable around.
Star Trek
You are part of the largest and most iconic of fandoms. Like your fellows Trekkies, you’re a classicist when it comes to nerd culture. You’re able to appreciate other fandoms and dip into various pools without sacrificing your one true allegiance, but you have extremely high standards. You believe in diplomacy over war and peaceful exploration. You’re a kind and generous person, emotionally available, and incredibly loyal. You have the rare ability to give honest advice without offending or being abrasive, and are able to view most things very objectively.
The CW / Via
If anything has taught you the power of pain, it’s being a Supernatural fan. Like the heroes your fandom loves, you’re a quick wit who never backs down from a fight. Once committed to something, you stick to it, which makes you a powerful ally and a fearsome enemy. But beneath your fiery conviction, you’re a sensitive and devoted friend who values loyalty above all else. You give your all to any project you take on, sometimes at the cost of your personal relationships, but people admire your dedication and determination.
Marvel Universe
Marvel / Via
You’re as ethical and clever as the superheroes you adore. You’re an interesting mix of realistic and idealistic, often hoping for the best in people but fully expecting the worst. Chances are, you’ve seen more than most people, and you find comfort in the idea of absolutely justice, but you also understand that people mostly exist in gray areas of right and wrong. You’re probably a bit of a loner, and though you’re socially adept, you require more alone time than most.
Lord of the Rings
New Line Cinema
Like most Ringers, you’re a dreamer with an adventurous streak, and above all, you’re an excellent travel companion. You likely have a taste for the literary and are a gifted writer. You do have a desire to travel, but you also enjoy having a steady and comforting home life. When it comes to conflict, you tend to withdraw into yourself, but when you feel strongly enough about something, you can be a fierce adversary. You probably have a wide circle of acquaintances in which you’re well-liked, but are only fully comfortable around your family and a select few friends.
NBC / Via
You’re one of the newer, ultra-tech-savvy fandoms, so you’re likely a social media guru. People often refer to you as an “old soul,” and chances are, you’re a quiet and highly observant person who knows how to use situations to your advantage. You’re not manipulative, but you definitely know how to strategically place yourself on the winning side of conflicts. You’re not squeamish, and you (not surprisingly) have a fascination with the darker side of human nature. But beyond the gore, you’re a very intuitive person who’s skilled at figuring out what motivates people and how to use that to your advantage.
Harry Potter
Warner Brothers / Via
You’re a mixture of sensible and idealistic. Like your fandom, you believe in the power of magic, the power of friendship, and that good will always win — even when it seems impossible. But you also know that people are capable of great evil, and you tend to be a bit of a loner. You escape into books and movies and sometimes feel like you’re a little out of step. But that’s OK, because you and the rest of your fandom know that being a Harry Potter fan means that a part of your heart will always be at Hogwarts.
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