Monday, September 29, 2014

Man Crush Monday: Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Joseph Gordon-Levitt:

Why We Love Him: I have to admit that I haven't seen very many of his movies. I have a couple on my Netflix queue though. I love him for some of his other talents. He can sing and that is really hot. Above all, his new TV show HitRECord is a very cool thing. It takes artists from all over and they collaborate to make a short film together. I'm that it is opening doors for all sorts of people who may not have had an opportunity before,

Nerdy Role(s): The Dark Knight Rises. Inception might count too but I haven't seen it yet.

Nerdy Facts: Even though he started acting at 6, he went to college for other things. He studied history, literature and French poetry.

Upcoming Role(s):
  • The Walk (2015)- The story of high-wire artist Philippe Petit's attempt to cross the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in 1974.
  • Untitled Christmas Eve Project (2015)


  1. I am so excited that you put him for this weeks man crush Monday (swoon). Let is not forget that he is in the new Sin City movie. He was also in the first GI Joe movie which I know you have seen. Anyways, again thanks for including him this week. It made my evening seeing this post.

  2. I didn't include GI Joe because I honestly don't remember him in it. I have to watch it again! I think Sin City is already out which is why I didn't put it in the upcoming roles section. I don't know anything about that movie but he looks really cute in the posters ;-)
