Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Witch Weekly Covers

Harry Potter fans need to check out this awesome fan art found here.  It is seriosukh awesome.  I wish there were more,  but perhaps in the future we will see some.
The art is covers of Witch Weekly magazine featuring Ginny, Hermione, and Luna.  What would make things better is if there were some articles to go along with the covers.  However for now we will just have to use our imagination.

My favorite is probably Luna's cover.  It see to capture her personality and quirkiness. My least favorite is Ginny's just because I'm really not a fan of her wardrobe.  It is too dark and I am not liking the gloves.  Althoughd that is just mg opinion.

I still think the artist did a great job.  Hopefully in the future we will see more..  how about Professoror McGonagall or Celestina Warbeck?  Who would you like to see a cover of?  Let me know in the comments.

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