Friday, September 26, 2014

Mutant of the Week: Nightcrawler

Name: Kurt Wagner
First Appearance: Giant Size X-Men #1
Powers and Abilities: Teleportation-only to places he can see or has seen.  The ablility to cling to surfaces using his hands and feet.  He is also very acrobatic due to his very flexible spine.
Other Attributes: Blue fur and yellow eyes.  
Nightcrawler is the son of Mystique who was disguised as the Baroness Wagner at the time of his birth.  After his she was forced to run and threw the baby Nightcrawler over an edge where he was luckily saved by his father and given to the sorceress Margeli.  Margeli took the baby with her to the circus she performed at where he was raised by the entire circus. 
Professor Xavier found Nighcrawler and recruited him to the X-Men
Nightcrawler has appeared in many issues of X-Men Comics as well as X2-Xmen United portrayed by Alan Cumming.  

You can read more about Nightcrawler here.  

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