Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Gotham Episode 2: Selina Kyle

Another Monday means another episode of Gotham.  This weeks episode was titled Selina Kyle.  One would think that with that title it would center in Selina Kyle but no, not totally.  I mean she was in the last half of the show.  We also did not get food background info on her.  I was personally hoping for a little bit more.
With that being said I think this weeks episode was am improvement.  I am officially excited for the show and what's to come.  The penguin is turning out to be an interesting character who has a mother almost as crazy as him.  I am also still a fan of Ed Nigma.   He is so awkward and going to be a fun character to watch develop.
Some other thoughts of mine are as follows.  Alfred is a jerk- I much prefer the Michael Caine version from Christopher Nolan films.  I am also still not sure about the Fish Mooney character.  I do however like Harvey Bullock.  Is he kind of an ass?  Yes, but he is well plagued by Donal Longue and just interesting to me.
I am excited to see where the show goes from here.  This week we had mention of Arkham Asylum.  I am hoping this will show up again along with Dr Quinzel and the Scarecrow.  One can dream right? Regardless I will be tuning in again next week.

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